Data loss has cost Australian businesses 65.5 Billion dollars last year.
According to a survey conducted as part of the EMC Global Data Protection Index 64 percent of Australian business have experienced data loss due to a disaster or disruption. When the surveyors investigated, they found that business who have experienced a disruption experienced a 54% loss in employee productivity and a loss of revenue of 44%.
That is nearly half of business overall revenue. And for a small business, this could be devastating.
Why is this happening?
Data lost, is usually a result of old techniques used to backup business information. A business may choose to backup information by manually loading data onto hard drives a storing them on site.
Unfortunately, this technique comes with major risks. Your if data is located on site it could be compromised by a disaster within your building, a natural disaster or even a technical failure.
These are not everyday occurrences however they don’t need to be to put your business at serious risk.
What is the solution
Cloud backups is the newest development in information security for business. A properly implemented cloud backup system will ensure your business is kept secure and regularly updated.
Cost Effective
Having a cloud backup system will avoid having to manually backup your data. This will save IT personal resources and free them up to focus on more important tasks
Minimise risk
With everything we do there is an element of risk however when you involve human resources the risk always increases. A cloud backup system doesn’t involve human intervention whereas as a manual backup does.
Offsite Redundancy
A cloud backup system will automatically back up your data to an offsite location. This means if or when your office is hit by a disaster there is no loss of data.
Information is readily accessible in the cloud. This means that your employees can access the information whether they are out with clients of in the office.
As you can see the cloud backups of are not only an opportunity for small businesses but essential for minimising risk.
We at Complete PC do provide solutions for cloud backup. If you are interested in finding out more feel free to call 1300 78 99 66 or click here.